Cesarean Awareness Month | Bella Baby Photography
Did you know that April is Cesarean Awareness Month?
While cesarean deliveries are a valuable and life-saving procedure, mothers sometimes receive one even when they don’t need one, and in that situation, a vaginal birth would better serve them and their baby. Cesarean Awareness Month was established to help educate mothers about cesarean deliveries, to promote Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) and to help support a mother’s recovery after cesarean.
What is a Cesarean Section?
A cesarean section (also called cesarean or c-section) is a surgical operation by which a baby is delivered through a cut in the front wall of the mother’s abdomen and womb. This operation is typically used in cases where a vaginal birth would a greater risk of complications.
Medical reasons for a cesarean include:
- The baby is in a breech position (feet first).
- The mother has begun premature labor.
- The labor does is not progressing normally.
- The mother carries a viral infection such as hepatitis C or HIV.
- The mother has placenta previa–which means the placenta lies low and covers part of the entrance to the womb.
In the US and in some other developed countries, the number of cesarean deliveries have steadily risen–though not due to medical necessity. In the 1960s, about 1 in 20 American births were via cesarean. Today, it’s 1 in 3–that’s far above the recommended 5-10% rate per the World Health Organization (WHO).
Experts and mothers alike have debated the rise in c-section births, though there are most likely a variety of factors at play. Such factors include more multiple births, more obese pregnant women, and more women giving birth in later years. The induction of labor has also risen and carries strong associations with a rise in C-Sections. Finally, for the past couple of decades, many health care providers and health insurance companies have favored cesareans over vaginal births.
Likely adding to this rise in c-section deliveries is the lack of awareness among mothers about the risks and complications related to a major operation. C-section results in an increased risk of infection, blood clots, more severe and longer lasting pain, as well as repeat hospital visits.
If you are pregnant, it’s up to you to research your delivery options and talk to your obstetrician about the birth plan that’s right for you and your baby. And as you recover from delivering your little sweet pea, Bella Baby Photography is there to provide the ultimate experience in newborn hospital portraiture. Visit our website today to learn more!