When Baby Fevers Need Prompt Attention

It’s a frightening moment for all new parents: your baby wakes in the middle of the night crying inconsolably. She feels hot to the touch, and upon taking her temperature you see she has a fever. Do you call your doctor? Should you rush to the ER? The following are some helpful tips to get you and baby safely through this milestone.

  • Fevers are our body’s natural response to infection, and not an immediate warning sign of danger. Whatever you do, take a deep breath and stay calm!

  • If your infant is 6 weeks or younger, and her fever is 101 degrees or higher, it’s a medical emergency which requires urgent attention. Don’t give her any fever-reducing medications, but do contact your doctor for immediate evaluation.

  • If your infant is 7 weeks to three months with a fever above 101 degrees, it’s best to make an appointment with your doctor within the next several hours. If fever occurs in the middle of the night, it’s typically advised to wait until morning to have your baby seen.

  • Children of any age with fevers of 104 or higher that don’t come down to 101 or 102 with home treatment require prompt attention by your doctor.

  • Babies and children with significant and unexplained lethargy also require immediate attention. That means they are limp, listless, unresponsive or won’t make eye contact.

  • Unexplained irritability resulting in a child who cries for hours with minimal verbal interaction and is nearly impossible to console should see a doctor right away.

  • Never ignore symptoms of meningitis. If your child has a high fever, stiff neck or pain in the back of the neck, vomiting, headache, and is irritated by bright lights, they need to be seen right away.

At Bella Baby Photography, we know how much your precious peas matter. We’re proud to partner with top hospitals across the country to offer the best in newborn portraiture.