New Parent 101: Baby's First Illness
Every new parent will eventually face the stress of a suddenly sniffling, fussing, and feverish baby. With the cold and flu season just around the corner, here are a few tips to remember to get through baby’s first illness like a champ.
Forget the sleep schedule.
Most parents look forward to getting baby onto a predictable routine that eventually includes sleeping through the night. That might mean sleep training or other rules, but illness is not the time to enforce them. Be willing to let baby sleep whenever and wherever they safely can, and trust the schedule can return once they’re feeling better.
Keep nursing.
If your baby is still breastfeeding, allow them to nurse on demand–even if it’s more frequently than usual. Breast milk is probably the best food a sick baby can have, and it even contains antibodies to help fight off their illness.
Call the pediatrician.
They’re more than used to it. Go ahead and give the clinic a call. They’ll be upfront and let you know whether you should come in or wait it out and be able to answer most any other nagging question new parents have about baby’s first cold.
Prop baby up.
You can help your baby feel better with a stuffy nose or earache by keeping them upright. That might mean propping up the crib mattress, using the baby swing, or simply rocking baby in your arms on your shoulder.
Don’t skip the bath.
A warm-water bath is typically soothing to babies and helps loosen congestion. If baby has a fever, try wiping their face with a cool washcloth.
Peace is the word.
Try to maintain a soothing vibe in your home when baby’s sick. Dim the lights and play light lullabies. Avoid noisy televisions or guests.
Once baby’s feeling better, we’d love to help you celebrate! Visit our website to learn more about our Bella Life Photography packages to beautifully capture every new milestone!