May is National Foster Care Awareness Month

At Bella Baby Photography, we know that the beginning of every family is different. Some parents meet their children as newborns in the hospital, and others may meet their children much later through adoption or unexpected circumstances. Since May Is National Foster Care Month, we’d like to take a moment to honor the families which may be temporary but last a lifetime in the heart.

Children may enter foster care programs for a variety of reasons when their parents or legal guardians are unable to provide care themselves. We are thankful to the many foster parents in America who devote themselves to enhancing the lives of children and youth in need.

As of September 30, 2014, there were 415,129 children in foster care in the United States and more than 100,000 of them were waiting to be adopted. Kids in the foster care system may live in a variety of situations. Among them, 4% live in a pre-adoptive home, 29% are placed with relatives, and 46% are in a non-relative foster family home. When children leave foster care, 51% are reunited with their parent(s) or primary caretaker(s), 7% go on to live with other relative(s), 21% are adopted, and 9% experience emancipation.

No matter how a child enters or exits our family, they never leave our hearts, and the impact we make can last a lifetime. Bella Life Photography offers a valuable experience for families of all kinds to capture their time together and provide a treasured memento for years to come.