January: Birth Defects Awareness and Prevention

Did you know that January is National Birth Defects Prevention Month? Pregnancy is such an exciting time, yet it is also a time to take precautions which help protect you and your unborn baby from unnecessary complications.

As you prepare to welcome your new baby into the world, there are many steps you can take to prevent infections which can lead to birth defects.

  • Frequently wash your hands with soap and water. Pay extra special attention to washing your hands after using the bathroom, handling pets, touching raw meat/raw eggs/unwashed produce, being around those who are sick, gardening, and caring for or playing with children. If soap and water are unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizing gel.
  • Avoid sharing utensils, cups, or food with young children. And, of course, always wash your hands well when caring for young kids or changing diapers. Children can carry viruses in their saliva and urine that is harmless to them, but can be dangerous to pregnant women and their unborn babies.
  • If you eat meat, cook it until it’s well done, which means the juices should run clear and there should be no pink inside. Don’t consume hot dogs or processed lunch/deli meats unless they have been heated through and are steaming hot.
  • Avoid any unpasteurized milk and cheeses. That means no soft cheeses like as feta, brie, or queso fresco unless they have labels which indicate they have been pasteurized.
  • Never touch or change dirty cat litter–have someone else do it. Dirty cat litter is known to contain a parasite harmful to pregnant women and their unborn babies. Likewise, stay away from any wild or pet rodents and their droppings. Use a pest control professional to get rid of rodents around your home, and if you have a pet rodent–that includes hamsters and guinea pigs–have someone else care for it until after the baby is born.
  • Talk to your doctor about any tests and immunizations you may need. That means getting tested for sexually transmitted illnesses and group B strep, and following doctor’s orders about things like flu shots and the whooping cough vaccination.

As you prepare to welcome your precious bundle of joy, Bella Baby Photography is there for you! You can ask your hospital to partner with us for an unparalleled newborn photography experience, and also have us come into your own home or venue with our Bella Life services. Visit our website today to learn more!