5 Resolutions for New Parents

Is there a new baby in the house? Whether you already have you bundle of joy or are expecting yours in 2017, January is a good time to reflect upon the type of parent you want to be. Why not set some goals for the year?

We know that for all of the rewards, parenting still presents some challenges. It’s easy for moms and dads to feel overwhelmed from time to time. It’s important to keep your eyes on the big picture and recognize the value in all that effort and nurturing you do.

Get inspired by some of our ideas for new year’s resolutions that are helpful for parents of new babies.

When more is more.
Resolve to make time for more cuddles, more reading, more tummy time, and more togetherness.

When less is more.
Resolve to worry less, and criticize less, too. Yes, keeping your baby safe and secure is your top priority, however, it’s important to not let yourself become consumed with worry or criticism of yourself as a parent.

Keep a journal.
Even if it’s just one sentence and one photo a day, you’ll be happy years down the road to read through all of your little thoughts along the way. It will also help you see how far you’ve all come as baby has grown.

Give yourself a break.
It’s okay to have days where you don’t get everything you need to get done–in fact, it’s pretty much par for the course as a parent. Give yourself a break by maintaining reasonable expectations of yourself.

Give baby a break too.
No matter how much we love and adore our little one, there will be times we feel frustrated–perhaps even with baby herself. Keep in mind that your baby is just learning about the world and each one is going to move at their own speed.

We hope we got you thinking about the baby steps you can take for a great 2017 as a new parent! And for more information about our professional newborn and family photography, visit our website today.